Overview - The Real Revelation Code
Updated: 19 December 2011
Overview - The Real Revelation Code
Author: Tardus July 2005
The Book of the Revelation, the last book of the Bible
What has this seemingly mysterious book to say to us in the 21st Century? It has puzzled many people, and there have been a vast number of interpretations of it, often with a lot of heated argument. Can anyone understand it?
Who has the key?
- God alone, and keeps it veiled?
- or some group of "Illuminati", some elite?
- or me, Tardus?
- or No one?
The Bible itself says (2Timothy 3:16) "all Scripture is breathed out by God... and is profitable", therefore Revelation must have a key. You cannot profit from what you cannot understand. (but it is very possible to misunderstand parts of the Bible, especially by ignoring what type each part is, eg, treating poetry as if it were literal truth. My page on Pitfalls in reading the Bible might be helpful. The Revelation is primarily truth given in a many symbols, in (often overlapping) visions, and with many repetitions of the same truths. It is both confusing and dangerous to force a literal interpretation upon it.
A helicopter ride over the treetops of Revelation.
Is it like the forest like Fangorn, dark and gloomy, or like the forest of Lothlorien, fair and beautiful (& both dangerous)?
1st thing we see, on edge of forest - The Guide Ch.1 (Ch.1:1-8)
- Who? the same person as in Dan. 10:5-10 - the same appearance of a Son of Man, who says He is the One who died & lives again, the first and the last, with the keys of death and the grave. Key is v1; what the book is all about. "the revelation of Jesus Christ..."
- Why? v1 "to show his servants the things which must soon take place."
- note: to show, not to conceal, to write all of it (1 single revelation) to 7 churches, & us (it is like the letters to the Romans, Galatians, etc., written to specific folk in the first century, yet also written to all who will read and take it to heart).
- "soon" - not 2000 years later. v3 "time is near" 4:1 says "after this", ie, after the time when John received the visions he wrote down as "The Revelation", 6:11 "a little longer", 22:6,10,20 "near", "soon", "coming soon"
- Daniel was told to seal his book, for it was not yet time (there were 500 years to go) but John is told to not seal his book, for "the time is at hand" 22:10 - it began in John's day.
2nd - a clearing in the forest, with 7 Love Letters on display. Ch.2&3 (Ch.2:1-11)
- The risen Jesus, the King, gives praise, warnings, promises to his people.
- Tough love at work; He wants the best for His Bride, even if it stings for a time.
- some think these are 7 ages of the church (and ask "which one am I in?"); what evidence is there for this idea? None that I can find in the Bible.
- He specifically says they are to the 7 named churches in Asia, and so, like the other letters of the New Testament, all of them are for all of us. Since that is so we all need to be:-
- confessing
- repenting
- hungering
- serving
- loving
- hoping
- and hanging on; ch. 2:10b be faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life
3rd - in the centre of the forest is a great mountain with the Control Room of the Universe. Ch. 4 & 5 (Ch.4:1,2 Ch.5:1-14)
- We see here God is in control (He always was) - what a comfort (is it to you?)
- We see someone special - the Lamb (the slain One) - this name is used 26 times in this book! This tells us something vital and wonderful about Him, and is the focal point of this book.
- 5:9-14 - the great song of praise to Him. Who is singing?
- 5:9 tells us something about the motive & goal of worldwide missionary labour (every tribe and tongue is to be there).
4th - a sweep of cliffs, with murals; A whirlwind pictorial tour of world history from first century to now. Ch. 6-20 (Ch.12:1-6)
- overlapping, interlocking visions of the time between Christ's first and second comings. (like collages - here are 2 examples, one showing the theme of war and suffering, the other my house)
- not all in the future - eg, 12:1-6 - here is the birth of Christ right in the middle of the book (out of the Old Testament church) yet that happened before the book was written - He who is to rule the nations v5. (see Ps 2:7-9)
- not literal history - these are collage pictures with a common theme; else how can His birth come halfway through the book?
- what then? - various pictures showing the principles at work in world and church history
- God (the Lamb) rules;
- He judges the peoples of Earth (trials are many, to turn men to God, and punish evil);
- Satan rages (to the length of his chain);
- Satan and all evil will be thrown down at the last, and suddenly;
- Christ builds His church despite all attacks (as He said He would - Matthew 16:18);
- The day of judgement comes at last, & all wrongs are righted. There will be Justice at last. Those who do not believe in God must accept that in their view (if it were true) very few people out of the earth's billions will ever see justice for the wrongs done against them;
- Christ's people (who trust in Him) are kept safe even through death, and join Him at last in overwhelming glory.
5th - near the end is a beautiful garden - Paradise Restored Ch. 21, 22 (Ch.21:1-8)
- The Garden ruined in Genesis 3 is now restored;
- some things are found again that were once lost;
- face to face with God again; we shall see Jesus the King, and fall at His feet in delight;
- the water of life & tree of life; ravishing fruit and healing leaves;
- some things are not found here that most of us want to lose;
- tears;
- death;
- grief;
- pain;
- fear;
- the curse from Genesis 3;
- all sin - lying, cowardice, faithlessness, sexual immorality, witchcraft, devil-worship;
6th - Last Words - Invitation & Warning - (Ch. 22:12-21)
- "Alpha & Omega" v13, "I Jesus" v16 invites all who will to come in, v17;
- but warns all that He is coming to judge, v12, & all sinners will be left outside;
- can my sins be forgiven?
- Yes! v14 tells you so - you must just "wash your robes" in the blood of the Lamb, Jesus;
- Only by faith can we enter - "To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood..." Ch.1:5;
- "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved..." Acts 16:31;
- Why be left outside, in the outer darkness, for an eternity of unutterable misery? - where there is "wailing and gnashing of teeth" Mt 13:41-43.
There is no need, when Jesus the King invites you to come to Him.
Overview Handout
handout of the overview
handout with missing words filled in
'Apocalypse Now' PDF reference
click here for my printable 'Apocalypse Now' quick guide to the Revelation
Click here for the next Revelation article Revelation Chapter 1 - The Lamb is all the Glory
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Last refreshed: 04 Oct 2023
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