Daihatsu Midget Three-wheeled Micro Truck, Paper Model

Updated: 16 November 2014

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Daihatsu Midget Three-wheeled Micro Truck, Paper Model

Three wheeled micro trucks were very popular in the immediate post-WW2 years, being cheap to make and own, and small and nimble enough for getting around the tiny streets of many older towns and cities.

They are still popular today in Europe (think here of the Piaggio Ape), India and Asia (think of the Indian Bajaj and the Tuk-tuks).

Two Japanese post-war three-wheelers feature in the classic Anime film "My Friend Totoro."

I found a downloadable paper model of an early Daihatsu Midget. The model is very simple, but still has an authentic look about. I just altered the wheels to give them some thickness.

Here are the downloadable pages. I found them at. I haven't been able to find the page of the original artist. If you know, please let me know.

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