Uniden GPS 501 Road Hazard Alerter

Updated: 17 Jan 2007

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Uniden GPS 501 Road Hazard Alerter

Do you have trouble with School Speed Zones? - Here's an answer

Don't know about you but I have real difficulty remembering when the 40Km/h limits apply and when not. A while back I got booked for 53km/h in a school zone while driving to work. I knew the zone was there, and I knew it had a camera, but the old brain just didn't register that it was after 08:00. Cost me about $130 and 3 points, which was very disappointing.

There have been a number of GPS based alert systems, but all expensive, and all limited.

I think I've found an economical answer now, and recommend it to anyone who has the same sort of trouble as me.

Uniden GPS 501

Uniden, the phone people, have just released their GPS 501 road monitor.

Mine cost $Aus229

Alerts me by voice message and gong as I approach a school zone,

but only during school zone times! Outside of the 0800-0930 and 1430-1600 slots it keeps quiet (sorry, doesn't know about school holidays).


It also has a database of locations (eg, just about all Australian towns and suburbs) and a GOTO feature to give you general guidance. It has no map, so don't expect "turn right now into Smith St".


It can, however, track a complex route that you might need on occasions, then guide you with voice prompts on the way back, or when going the next time. Great for that few-times-a-year trip across the city.


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