Getting Wifi to work on a Thinkpad T42 under Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04

Updated: 1 Feb 2009

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Getting Wifi to work on a Thinkpad T42 under Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04

Installing Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 on my Thinkpad T42 "puffer" was a breeze, with one exception: the wireless network adaptor wouldn't work (and yes, the boot time was very slow too).

After much searching I found the following suggestion on a forum:- ubuntuforums

Add these lines to the file


  #these aes modules break the airo driver
  blacklist padlock_aes
  blacklist geode_aes

This fixed it immediately (after a reboot), and to my surprise the boot time is now very good. I assume that a driver module clash was causing repeated retries and timeouts.

Hope this helps someone else!

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