KnightsOfTheKing - Summary

Updated: Wed 22 Nov 2023 12:48:24 AEDT

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KnightsOfTheKing - Summary

This is a set of Bible stories and sketches I did for a kids' holiday Bible Club in a country church, in the Riverina farming area of NSW. The theme was "Knights of the King", built around a medieval knight trying to find the true King, so that he could follow him. The stories are from Matthew's Gospel, in the Bible.

Wise Men Follow the King

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Today's true story from the Bible goes right back to the beginning. Really, they all do, for it is really all one giant story. When God made the world (and the entire universe too) He made a man and a woman.(read about it in Genesis, the 1st book of the Bible. Genesis means "Beginning") The man and the woman were wonderful, perfect, beautiful and happy in God's care and love. They lived in a garden full of all good things, and no bad things. Everything was theirs, except for one tree and its fruit, which God said they must not touch nor eat. Will they do what He told them? Sadly, very sadly (the saddest tale in all the world), they did not. They did not trust God to be their King, and they took and ate the fruit. MORE...

Blind Men Follow the King

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Matthew's Gospel, chapter 20, verses 29 to 34 The baby that the Wise Men travelled so far to worship as their King did not stay as a baby. JESUS grew into manhood, and when he was 30 years old he left his job as a carpenter. Instead he went about teaching the people about the kingdom of God, and doing good things. MORE...

We Can Follow Jesus - The Biggest Swap Ever

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Matthew's Gospel, chapters 27 and 28 (The same story is in Mark, Luke and John's Gospels too, in the Bible).


The Best Miracle

CLICK HERE for the full article theBestMiracle:

(from Mark's Gospel, chapter 2, from the Bible) Jesus returns to Capernaum, where He was very well known. MORE...

Updated - Wed 22 Nov 2023 12:48:24 AEDT

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