The Littl'uns go Fishing - my mother's memoirs (1918-2007)

Updated: 9 June 2007

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The Littl'uns go Fishing - my mother's memoirs (1918-2007)

(circa 1925)

The "3 littl'uns" go fishing to Jack Robinson's brook, a gentle little stream. It is a lovely day and they hope to catch some little minnows. They have a penny fishing net and a jam jar with string for a handle, Bread and cheese for lunch and water to drink. Soon they caught some minnows, really pretty little things, and placed them in the jam pot with tiny pebbles and lots of greenery. Now for their own bread and cheese and a drink and a rest, then back home. They enjoyed their day and will go again soon before the school holidays end (we enjoyed longer hours of daylight in the summer, so we had lots of play time after tea).

Mother was a wonderful cook. She made plenty of meat pudding to fill hungry mouths, with cooked apple and custard to top up. After tea the older brothers would take the littl'uns and Nip the dog to the meadows for a good old romp. Nip loved to chase the rabbits, but he never did catch one. He wanted to chase them all at once so of course he had no hope of "rabbit pie". He was a lovely pet and friend and they played endless games together. Nip really loved hide and seek, and took lots of time looking to find where they could be. Oh!, he was a delight, the best playmate of all.

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