MumsMemoirs - Summary

Updated: Wed 22 Nov 2023 12:48:24 AEDT

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MumsMemoirs - Summary

My mother decided to write down some of her earliest memories, from her childhood in England. There is some duplication here, but I think they are remarkably good for someone who starting jotting things down at age 84. They are a little bit of real history from life in the early 20th century, and in the time of the Great Depression.

Bozeat Fete - my mother's memoirs (1918-2007)

CLICK HERE for the full article mm-bozeatFete:

A Real event! Everyone in the village and around would spend the day. With a brass band leading and two men carrying a banner we all proudly followed to our recreation building where we gathered around for a morning tea, usually Devonshire, with lashings of cream and jam and good appetites. MORE...

My Earliest Memories - my mother's memoirs (1918-2007)

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Written in 2002 My earliest memory was my first day at school; in those days we started when we were 4 years old. I was quite happy to go, thinking of all the kids I'd have to play with. My older brother Jim took me along - he was all of 5. New kids were taken to a room where lots of equipment was kept, the most imposing being the Maypole, which only came out once a year, on the first of May. There were hoops for bowling, skipping ropes with real handles, whips and tops to spin and a rather worn out rocking horse. It went through my 4 year of age mind that I had at last found Paradise. MORE...

Mum's Memoirs - a Brother and a Sister

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May be now is the time for me to introduce one of my older brothers and my one sister still living with the parents at home in a village seething with gossip and as old fashioned as last year's hat of course. My sister was 8 years older than I but we shared a bedroom and I came to love here dearly. She was very good looking with beautiful hair but the most awful name in the world; Mabel Gertrude, what a howler, so I renamed that to Mab (remember Queen Mab of the fairies?). She had titian coloured hair so Mab was accepted and she was so happy to wear her new name like a little crown on her head. She was a much loved and happier young lady from then on. MORE...

The Littl'uns go Fishing - my mother's memoirs (1918-2007)

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(circa 1925) The "3 littl'uns" go fishing to Jack Robinson's brook, a gentle little stream. It is a lovely day and they hope to catch some little minnows. They have a penny fishing net and a jam jar with string for a handle, Bread and cheese for lunch and water to drink. Soon they caught some minnows, really pretty little things, and placed them in the jam pot with tiny pebbles and lots of greenery. Now for their own bread and cheese and a drink and a rest, then back home. They enjoyed their day and will go again soon before the school holidays end (we enjoyed longer hours of daylight in the summer, so we had lots of play time after tea). MORE...

Long Ago Days - my mother's memoirs (1918-2007)

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Introducing the 3 Littl'Uns MORE...

Olden Days - my mother's memoirs (1918-2007)

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In the "Good Old Days" no one thought anything of walking everywhere they needed to go, there being no cars, buses or trains. To walk was the only form of travel. It's hard to imagine now-a-days, as things have changed so much with the roads full of people-movers, with trains, buses, trams, cars, etc, but in those early days we just had our own two legs, known as "Shank's pony" and were content. Happily we used this slow lane and managed very well, with time to stop and stare. "What is this world so full of care if we don't have time to stop and stare?" True, isn't it? This mode of transport never bothered us at all and we were quite happy to take our time and live a quiet life with our families and friends. We learnt everything we needed to know, passed all our exams and generally came through with no great effort. The quietness was good for us. We, as children, had plenty of time for play as daylight was extended naturally. We played until we were tired and then were quite happy to go to bed and read our books before sleep. MORE...

Wollaston Fair - my mother's memories

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(England in the 1920s) Every September was a week of fun. Roundabouts and swings, hoopla, coconut shies, everything to make people happy and to entice a few pence for the various games. Such a crowd of people! It was exciting just to be there. Everyone used to walk the 2 or 3 miles from the other villages around, there being no traffic to worry about. So there we all were looking for some fun. We just chased around all the stalls. The man in charge of the carousel made sure we had a lovely long ride; it gave him lots of pleasure to hear all the little voices saying "Thank You!" and he replied "See you all next year, and God bless." MORE...

Updated - Wed 22 Nov 2023 12:48:24 AEDT

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