Love - Summary

Last Updated Wed 22 Nov 2023 12:48:25 AEDT

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3 Things Wives Wish Their Husbands Understood

CLICK HERE for the full article 3things:

I gave this presentation to a men's group at my church. The general thought has that I was very brave! I think they enjoyed it. I hope it helped.


How Are We To Worship? - Guarding Our Relationships

CLICK HERE for the full article guardingRelationships:

The book of the prophet Malachi, chapter 2, verses 10 to 16

(an ancient clay contract tablet)


Love, Loss & Longing

CLICK HERE for the full article love-loss-longing2:

"One Voice" album - Sung by Aled Jones This is a magical album, with honey-voiced tenor Aled Jones singing duets with recordings from his earlier career as a boy soprano. The album went straight to the top of the UK classical chart when released in 2016, and well deserved it. These are classic folk songs from the British Isles, Welsh, Irish, Scottish and English, about love, loss and longing, beautiful and bitter-sweet, "achingly beautiful" as another reviewer put it. MORE...

Three Steps to Finding the Perfect Marriage Partner

CLICK HERE for the full article findingPerfectMarriagePartner:

This article was prepared as a breakfast talk for a group of men, but as far as I can tell everything here works just the same for women. Just substitute "her" for "him" etc. The ideas here are like a two-edged sword, it cuts both ways! Everyday observation suggests we do indeed have a problem. If we did not have one, how come so many marriages end up in the divorce courts? MORE...

Where Do Love and Communication Come From?

CLICK HERE for the full article loveAndCommunication:

Francis Schaeffer, one of the great thinkers of the 20th century, wrote:-

Modern man is deeply plagued by the question, "Where do love and communication come from?"


Wisdom for Love, Courtship, Marriage, Sex & Salvation

CLICK HERE for the full article wisdomForLoveCourtshipMarriageSexAndSalvation:

The Song of Songs is the last the "Wisdom" books in the Old Testament of the Bible. These books are Job, the Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song. In form the Song of Songs (or the "superlative song", the "best song") is a love poem celebrating man-woman love, especially the sexual part, which it does with great delicacy and yet with striking vividness and passion. MORE...

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