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CLICK HERE for the full article catastrophe:

catastrophe - noun: archaic English punctuation symbol ( ^^ ), inevitably replaced by the common apostrophe symbol in modern usage. However, unlike the apostrophe, which is used to indicate either an abbreviation (such as "don't" for "do not") or ownership (as in "a dog's breakfast"), the catastrophe always indicates ownership. MORE...

Cat Command

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No, not "Sit!" - it never works anyway. "cat" is actually an command used in the ancient UN-IX computer operating system, which was developed in Egypt by a courtier known as Rich-ee during the reign of Pharaoh Kentom-aten. "cat" is one of the most commonly used commands, and when executed at the command line gives the following result: MORE...


CLICK HERE for the full article croak:

croak - verb: euphemism for dying, and by association, being in-effective or useless. Because of the notorious inability of frogs to make up their minds, it has become associated in later years with the noise they make while debating things endlessly in their minds. "Today! I am going to be indecisive!" MORE...


CLICK HERE for the full article daffyNitions:

noun, male homonid, occasionally useful around the house, but severely limited by an inability to cope with a task list greater than 0 or 1 items. noun, female homonid, can handle several task lists at once, all of many items. Very useful around the house. Determined to teach one particular male homonid how to cope with a task list of greater than 1 item. MORE...


CLICK HERE for the full article flamingo:

flamingo - noun: a corruption of the early colonial Australian "flamengo", which was a dance. The dance consists mainly of whirling movements with much foot-stamping, while the dancer holds two large pink birds trained to clack their beaks in time to the music. Musical accompaniment is traditionally provided by a lyre-bird on strings and a quartet of bell-birds. MORE...

I am fond of pigs

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I am fond of pigs

"I am fond of pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals." - Winston Churchill


Our Coat of Arms

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Here is our family coat-of-arms:- "Feline Dormant on a Field of Gold" MORE...


CLICK HERE for the full article peccadillo:

peccadillo - the result of a minor error by a south Texas chicken farmer who was experimenting with cross-breeding. Somehow a stray armadillo got into the equation, and the result, though flight-less (which helps with keeping them in) also turned out to be egg-less, and the meat tends to taste of formic acid. When laughed at by his neighbours the farmer replied "its only a peccadillo!" and the name has stuck. The peccadillo is not to be confused with the armadicken. While also flightless, it does lay eggs, though they have a surprisingly tough shell. MORE...

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