Science - Summary

Last Updated Wed 22 Nov 2023 12:48:25 AEDT

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God Humbles Man's Pride - Genesis 11:1-9

CLICK HERE for the full article godHumblesMansPride:

I set out to tell you about the Tower of Babel, and what it can teach us. However, in a time when there is so much confusion about the early chapters of Genesis, where the story is found, I think it wise to say something about the truthfulness of this whole section of the Bible. There is no final conflict between the actual words of the Bible and the findings of good science. In the one book, the Bible, God reveals Himself in Words. In His other book, the Cosmos, He reveals Himself in His Works. How then could these two ever be in real conflict? MORE...

Home Temperature Monitoring Using Maxim-Dallas DS18S20 1-Wire Sensors

CLICK HERE for the full article temperatureMonitor:

Being a retired engineer with a long interest in matters scientific and in low energy housing, I have finally begun what I long wanted to do, to set up a temperature monitoing system in my house. This is a temporary arrangement till I find time for more sensors, and a permanent interface to my server PC. MORE...

My House Monitor

CLICK HERE for the full article houseMonitor:

The web page auto-refreshes. Below is a non-refreshing reproduction of the summary page, to give the flavour. MORE...

Reading a CurrentCost CC128 ENVI Power Monitor using Debian Linux

CLICK HERE for the full article readCC128:

The CC128 ENVI Power Monitor is cheap and does work pretty well, with its wireless data transmitter connected to the house's main power switchboard. To get data out of it, I use the optional serial cable with its built-in USB convertor, plugged into my Debian Linux server. I adapted the following PERL script from one I found on the Net. MORE...

Reading data from an Arduino's USB/serial port using Debian Linux

CLICK HERE for the full article readNano:

In case you don't know, the Arduino is a family of micro-controllers, of open source design, ideal for interfacing environmental sensors, etc. They are also very cheap, popular, easy to connect to external sensors and easy to program. But how do I connect one to a computer to read the data it gets from sensors? MORE...

That's a Good Question

CLICK HERE for the full article outOfNothing:

A serious-minded 7 year old asked me "How could God make everything out of nothing?", and also "Who made God?". I gave him my best answer on the spot, but thought I could perhaps do better, so wrote this for him and others. Hopefully it is not too confusing, and there are not too many new words without their definitions. Time will tell. MORE...

The Good Oil

CLICK HERE for the full article theGoodOil:

Before I retired I worked for over 30 years in the oil refining industry. A friend asked me to give a talk about oil at a men's shed night in a farming community, so here is "The Good Oil" (his title suggestion, not mine, though I think it a very good one. In Australian slang "the good oil" is something that is reliable, or true, something that delivers on its promise). As the aim is for a quick yet interesting overview, with a time suggestion of about 15 minutes, this is of course not in any way comprehensive, but I hope it is useful. I will of necessity break two cardinal principles:-

  • "Generalisations are generally too general" MORE...

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