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Last Updated Wed 22 Nov 2023 12:48:25 AEDT

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A Strange Bed, Fellow: Possum asleep in a rain-head

CLICK HERE for the full article possumInRainhead:

Brushtail possums are common enough here in Australia, having adapted very successfully to urban life. A week ago I was cleaning cobwebs off my roof guttering, and noticed what looked like a hairy caterpillar on the outside of one of the rain-heads. On nudging it with a broom the caterpillar disappeared and was replaced by a head with two large, startled eyes. The caterpillar was the tail of a possum! The ringtail was nesting in the rain-head, having already packed the down-pipe with grass and litter. After being disturbed it left and ran away across the roof. MORE...

Our Coat of Arms

CLICK HERE for the full article coatOfArms:

Here is our family coat-of-arms:- "Feline Dormant on a Field of Gold" MORE...

The Australian Eastern Water Dragon

CLICK HERE for the full article waterDragon:

We are fortunate enough to live with a bushland reserve at our back fence. It is a steep gully, complete with a creek, and some of the neighbours are water dragons. I'm no expert, but I think these are the common Eastern Water Dragon, Physignathus lesueurii lesueurii. We rescued one some years ago when it was stuck in an old wire fence, and like to think the family have remained good friends ever since ;) MORE...

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